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You're viewing Bleach : Shattered Blade Cheat Codes

Game Name : Bleach : Shattered Blade
System : Nintendo Wii
Date Added : 2007-03-21 23:57:05
Views : 23086

Unlockable Costumes
Unlockable:How to Unlock:
Hitsugaya School CostumeWin 15 matches with Toushiro Hitsugaya
Ikkaku School CostumeWin 10 matches with Madarame Ikkaku
Masked Komamura CostumeWin 15 matches with Komamura Sajin
Matsumoto School CostumeAFTER unlocking Inoue Orihime's costume, win 15 matches with Matsumoto Rangiku
Orihime School CostumeWin 15 matches with Inoue Orihime
Renji School CostumeWin 15 matches with Abarai Renji
Rukia School CostumeWin 15 matches with Kuchiki Rukia
Shihouin Yoruichi Shunpo CostumeAfter completing practice mode, win 15 matches with Yoruichi
Urahara Kisuke Shinigami CostumeUnlock everything, It becomes available for free in Urahara's Shop
Yumichika School CostumeWin 10 matches with Ayasegawa Yumichika

Unlockable Characters
Unlockable:How to Unlock:
Aizen SousukeClear Arcade Mode with Ulquiorra
Arturo PlateadoClear Episode Mode with Arturo Plateado
Grimmjow JaggerjackClear Arcade Mode with Aizen Sousuke
Hinamori MomoClear Hitsugaya Toushiro's story
Hisagi ShuuheiClear Episode Mode with Yamada Hanatarou
Ichimaru GinClear Arcade Mode with Matsumoto Rangiku and Kira Izuru
Kuchiki RukiaBeat Story mode with Abarai Renji
Kurotsuchi MayuriClear Arcade Mode with Ishida Uryuu
Kusajishi YachiruClear Arcade Mode with Yumichika Ayasegawa and Zaraki Kenpachi
Kyouraku ShunsuiClear Arcade Mode with Sado Yasutora
Madarame IkkakuClear Episode Mode with Zaraki Kenpachi
Shihouin YoruichiClear Training Mode
Soi FonClear Episode Mode with Shihouin Yoruichi
Tousen KanameClear Arcade Mode with Komamura Sajin
Ukitake JuushiroClear Arcade Mode with Kyouraku Shunsui
UlquiorraClear Arcade Mode with Ichimaru Gin
Urahara KisukeClear Arcade Mode with Kurotsuchi Mayuri
Yamada HanatarouBeat Story Mode with Youshiro Hitsugaya.
Yamamoto Genryuusai ShigekuniClear Arcade Mode with Ukitake Juushiro
Yumichika AyasegawaClear Arcade Mode with Madarame Ikkaku

Unlockable Stages
Unlockable:How to Unlock:
Arturo Battle StageDefeat Arturo Plateado on the final stage of episode mode
Ice HavenComplete Hitsugaya's episode mode

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